Microsoft Convergence® 2009 achieves the first BS 8901


27 January 2009

BSI Management Systems America announced today that Microsoft Corporation achieved Phase 1 certification to BS 8901:2007 standard, for its upcoming Microsoft Convergence® 2009 event set for New Orleans, Louisiana, in March.

BS 8901:2007 Specification for a Sustainable Event Management System is the new British Standard developed specifically for the events industry. BS 8901 defines three phases of event management, i.e., Planning, Implementation, and Check and Review. Applicability of BS 8901 encompasses the entire spectrum of events ranging from large scale conferences and unique events, such as the 2012 Olympics, to festivals, as well as business meetings and conventions. Independent certification to BS 8901 provides management assurance and lends creditability and transparency to stakeholders at large.

"BS 8901 requires an organization to take a holistic approach in its event planning activities by developing and implementing systems to identify, evaluate, and address financial, social and environmental issues and opportunities that are associated with an event," says Wil Wang, BSI's Manager of Business Sustainability. "By being compliant with BS 8901 Phase 1 requirements, Microsoft has not only demonstrated its commitment to sustainable management in the planning of Convergence® 2009, but is also “walking-the-talk” by setting realistic goals and targets, minimizing environmental footprints while contributing to affirmative social causes, both of which are particular measures of organizational sustainability."

Microsoft is committed to reducing its impact on the environment and has established sustainable practices throughout the organization. In 2008, Microsoft's corporate Events Team developed an internal system of sustainability practices for its events and chose BS 8901 as a tool to test and validate those internal sustainability practices.

"Events have traditionally produced a significant amount of waste and we wanted to find ways that we could not only reduce the waste, but become more responsible with our overall events practices," says Gina Broel, Senior Event Marketing Manager with Microsoft's Events Team. "We also wanted to find a way that we could test the sustainable practices that we had developed over the last year and have them validated by an outside source to make sure we were moving in the right direction in achieving our sustainability goals for our upcoming event, Convergence 2009. We are committed to improving and evolving our practices within our company and the industry and are pleased to have a standard to help our management processes evolve.”

As a leader and innovator in the certification of management systems, BSI Management Systems America helps its clients comply with best practices and achieve a competitive advantage.

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For media information
Shereen Abuzobaa
V.P. of Marketing
Phone: +1 703-464-1931

About BSI Management Systems
BSI is the world's leading quality management systems registrar. Founded in 1901, BSI has certified over 90,000 locations in nearly 90 countries. Many 'Global 500' companies have chosen BSI as their preferred ISO 9001:2000, ISO/TS 16949:2002, ISO 14001:2004,ISO/IEC 27001:2005 and now BS 25999 registrar. BSI's registration experience covers virtually every industrial and commercial sector (i.e. automotive, aerospace, chemical and allied processes, IT/software, service).

BSI, Inc. is headquartered in Reston, Virginia, with offices in Toronto, Canada, and Mexico City, Mexico to serve the North American market. BSI is truly a pioneering organization. It was the world's first national standards body, and a founding member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). BSI facilitated and published the first commercial standards to address quality management systems, environmental management systems, occupational health and safety management systems, project management and information security management. Visit:

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BSI Management Systems is part of BSI Group, a global independent business services organization that inspires confidence and delivers assurance to customers with standards-based solutions. Originating as the world’s first national standards body, the Group has over 2,300 staff operating in over 120 countries through more than 50 global offices. The Group’s key offerings are:

• The development and sale of private, national and international standards and supporting information
• Second and third-party management systems assessment and certification
• Product testing and certification of services and products
• Performance management software solutions
• Training services in support of standards implementation and business best practice.

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